Martin the Sound Man

Without Martin the Sound Man, Answer Me This! would just be Olly and Helen shouting in the living room. So praise the day he was born! Here he is rocking out:

Martin rocks

Martin rocks

As well as his duties producing all the music in the show, with the assistance of the Answer Me This! Players, Martin also makes sounds of his own under his own name:

as as the band The Sound of the Ladies:

Martin’s pretty music is also available on his monthly podcast:

In his spare time, he is a bona fide scientist with a doctorate in physics, and has combined his day job and his night job in his science albums, which are both euphonious and educational:

You can track also all of Martin’s comings and goings via

Click here to find out more about the Answer Me This! Players


64 Responses to “Martin the Sound Man”

  1. Scott Says:

    Martin the Sound Man is my favorite character on the show, and his material is by far the best written. He’s really more fully developed than Helen and Olly, more nuanced. It’s a shame he’s stuck at the bottom of a well.

    I am also posting this comment because, as a fan of Martin, it’s really upsetting that there have been no new comments here for three years.

  2. Susan Says:

    Martin is hot! Helen is VERY lucky :3

    • Emily Says:

      She’s not lucky, she’s just totally awesome and therefore deserves a totally awesome (and hot) dude.

  3. joeomahoney Says:

    I too am disturbed by Martin’s appearance. And indeed, the visuals of all three of them. I thought that Helen and Olly were way more attractive from their voices (not that they are unattractive, you understand) and Martin was way more of a minger. Why is this??

    Moreover, I’ve only just realised that Helen and Martin are a couple instead of Helen and Olly. This is most confusing and I need time to lie down and work this all out.

  4. Juliet Says:

    I always thought Martin was secretly Tim Key.

  5. popnoodlesigel. Says:

    The guy with the reverb: WHY???? Please stop it. I don’t listen because of that.

    • John Chatterjee-Woolman Says:

      It’s not a reverb – it’s his actual voice! Now you know the truth, keep listening. Where would our fortnights be without them, eh?

    • Adam Bates Says:

      The whole “reverb/Echo” thing is the whole reason I like him, The ethereal sound of reason

  6. maddie Says:

    Martin what is in that snack?

  7. Marcus Giron Says:

    Martin, I teach a course to Elementary School Teachers in Colorado, USA every summer. They sometimes have a difficult time with science and don’t always want to teach it. It’s on electricity and magnetism.

    This year I opened with Doing The Real Science Here and this:

    Thank you so much for the song. It was funny but relevant. And really helped sell the point of failure in science and try, try again. I really like that album. Especially Luminescent Ether.

  8. his2nd Says:

    WOW who knew the echoey voice of the sound man would be such a hottie?!?!

  9. Steve - Canada Says:

    Question thats got me confounded,
    when you did that podcast for christmas, what song were you covering. I thought it was a Wilson Pickett song, but i’m stumped.

  10. Em Says:

    Martin’s actually quite cute!

  11. kimberly aka Martin's stalker Says:

    that is so cool! i love we went to the bottom of the ocean- das ist mein fave

  12. pete from somerset Says:


  13. Dan Orion Says:

    I had imagined him to look much bonnier and blond.
    I just realized the other day that he and hellen are a couple.Good on Mr sound man cuz hellen is super coooooooooooooooooooooooooool!

  14. Maxophone Says:

    Midlander – There can be only one!

  15. Riderwaite Tarotcards Says:

    I adore her music, and her sense of fashion is soo chic!

  16. Treyla Says:

    ….I’ve only listeed to 2 episodes and I’m hooked, but I always thought that Martin would look like a human Martin the robot from The Hitch hiker’s guide to the Galaxy. Was that robot’s name Martin? I’m nor sure. But this Martin’s face is a pleasant surprise.

  17. Jessica Says:

    Yay, martinez. The sound of the ladies should do a massive tour with helen and olly as the supporting act! or vice versa. ;D

  18. Ryan Says:

    I will be trying the podcast! The music on the show is great! I like the west midlands guy…

  19. Fiona Miller Says:

    I love martin. Helen ur so damed lucky xxx

  20. Rhiannon Says:

    MY GOD! Martin looks absolutely nothing like I imagined! I was thinking, bald, older uglier… He’s actually not bad looking 🙂 xx

  21. Carol Says:

    I don’t know why, but i imagined that Martin looked like Marek Larwood from We Are Klang. It’s really strange seeing what they look like, after builing up an image in my head…

  22. zak Says:

    he might not look like slash, but i wonder if his musical skills are equal or near to such legends…………..

  23. Zoee! Says:

    To be honest, thats very similar to the image of martin i had in my head, long hair, glasses, nerdy but in a good way 😀
    I also downloaded sound of the ladies – nice work martin (:
    Have to say, i love the way you say “Fucking Idiot” haha

  24. Megan Says:

    Martin is coool xx 😀

  25. DAVID SMELLY (yes i know) Says:

    I think martin speaks funny he says ss and sclh sounds like hh’es eating a cake

    anyway i tought the would look a bit like prince charlss

  26. Lucy Says:

    Martin, you look familiar what is your surname ?

  27. John Says:

    It seems we all got Martin a bit wrong. I expected you to be bald sir. I’m not disapointed don’t worry. But do please let me know if it ever happens, then I can put your photograph next to my drawings in my sketch book.

    Thank you,

  28. jack rae Says:

    i imagine him to look like father christmas, how wrong i was.

  29. James Says:

    This may sound strange, but I always visualised Martain as looking like Slash from Guns n’ Roses…not quite the image I expected

    • Phil from Hitchin Says:

      I imagined him looking like popular comedian Mark Watson

      • Shauna Says:

        :O mee toooo !!
        I knew what I thought he looks like but I didn’t know the name of him, then i googled this ‘mark watson’ guy and thats exactly how i imagined him in my head :O
        i think it’s his voice…

  30. Titus Says:

    For heaven’s sake, please break the reverb button off the mixing desk. Everytime the sound man makes a comment or buts in, the reverb drowns everything out.

  31. Adrian Says:

    The “UK Beatbox Chapionships Final”…sounds like one for Martin!

  32. Alice Says:

    I thought martin was bald.
    How wrong I was…

  33. linsey Says:

    i totally agree with freyja – i heard an episode on a friends itunes before i started subscribing and i was convinced it was josie long and that she was using the name helen to thinly disguise herself!

  34. Zoe Says:

    I apologise, when I say ‘sun’ I meant to say SOUND
    Must try and get this typing lark sussed…

  35. Zoe Says:

    I have also downloaded the sun of the ladies podcast, good stuff!

  36. edmund Says:

    has martins voice changed slowly thoughout the podcast series-listening to an earlier episode the echo effects and reverb are much more recognisable

  37. henry Says:

    Martin looks how he sounds. Its good, but i wasnt expecting the glasses, that was a shock

  38. Amy Says:

    he looks like his voice…if you know what i mean

  39. Jon Says:

    From what i’ve heard on the podcast, Martin’s head shouldn’t be visible, it’s so covered in hair!

  40. Freyja Says:

    i apologise for the error, it is in fact, interesting.

  41. Freyja Says:

    Interestin, because Helen really really really reminds me of Josie Long

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